
Theme 1: Partnerships — Building new, authentic relationships for the planet 


5:00 pm Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Pre-Conference Social Hour

Get to know your learning group — five peers in comparable roles from across the U.S.  



9:00 am Thursday, October 10

Rocky Kimball, Ph.D.

Co-Founder, Fred Leadership Forum and Founder, Action Learning Associates

Rationale for conference • How this experience is different • Getting and giving value 


Theme 2: Raising the Bar Seeing what is possible and having the courage to pursue it


Jess McMillan

World Champion Extreme Skier 

Preparing for success • Knowing your limits • Going big — beyond what others think is possible



Best Practice Case Study
Tamara DiCaprio, MicroSoft

Establishing financial credibility in the C-Suite • Embedding incentives and feedback into core systems • Mechanisms to generate pools of sustainability funds



"Future State"
Leadership Experience

Exploring what is possible • Engaging your learning team in your vision • Revising your view of the future and how you will help to lead us there


Theme 3:  Expanding InfluenceGoing beyond your green community


Mock Press Conference
Nicole Robinson
Co-Founder, Swap City

Communicating your passion, purpose and vision of the future • Addressing a resistant audience with empathy, grace, and savvy 



"Waves of Energy"
Leadership Experience

Finding what people care about • Tapping into pre-existing energy • Riding the wave



Green in a Red State
Elena Christopoulos
Global Environmental Consultant & Santa Monica City Commissioner

Identifying key players who don't share your passion for the environment • Speaking their language and navigating their culture



Leadership Experience

Knowing your audience • Refining your approach • Finding your groove



Happy Hour "Mixer"
Pool-Side Bar

Friday, October 10

Theme 4:  Highest & Best Role Viewing your life and career with a fresh perspective


Knife to the Heart
Victoria Charles
Professor, Santa Monica College and Sustainability Consultant

Aligning your work with your values • Listening to what your life is saying • Creating a next chapter worth  writing



Unique Strengths
Paul Seymour, Ph.D.

Leveraging your leadership qualities • Seeing how you fit into the environmental movement • Finding strength in humility


Back to Theme 1:  PartnershipsBuilding new, authentic relationships for the planet


"Game changer"
Leadership Experience 

Seeing beyond your past network • Leveraging the wisdom of your peers • Discovering synergy and possibility


Engaging the Affluent 
David Batstone
Managing Director, Just Business, a social impact investment firm; Professor, USF School of Management, Department of Entrepreneurship & Innovation 

Building traction • Knowing when you're ready • Attracting funding



Empowering Other Leaders
Violeta Villacorta

Going where the damage is greatest • Creating financial opportunity for others • Working as part of a larger, emerging system



"Green Wave"