A networking and skill-building experience for sustainability leaders
Green Wave is a unique blend of brief presentations and small group interaction, giving everyone a chance to speak while practicing leadership skills and getting to know other people.
All leaders need to be prepared to address the questions below.
JANUARY 27, 2021
Session 1: 8:00 - 10:30 AM PST
Personal Energy
Libba Pinchot, Co-Founder, Pinchot & Co
Glenn Hallam, Co-Founder, Green Dock Ventures
Group Dialogue
Where did you get your passion for sustainability? What fuels you during tough times?
If you had full support from senior leaders, how quickly … and at what scale … could you move? What is your most ambitious plan?
Inside/out: mobilizing companies to tackle grand challenges
Dan Vermeer
Executive Director, Center for Energy, Development, and Global Environment (EDGE)
How are you mobilizing resources (talent, human energy and money) to accelerate sustainability?
JANUARY 28, 2021
Session 2: 8:00 - 10:30 AM PST
Leading sustainability through a pandemic
Susan Kolodziejczyk
Sustainability Director
What are the challenges and silver lining of this pandemic? What unique opportunities are you hoping to seize?
Persuasion: How do you make the case for change? What is your approach to influence?
JANUARY 28, 2021
Session 3: 12:30 - 3:00 PM PST
What are the unique pressures of your senior leaders? How will you win their hearts and minds?
What is your vision for the future that you use to inspire or mobilize other people? What about your vision do people find plausible or engaging?
JANUARY 29, 2021
Session 4: 8:00 -10:30 AM PST
Moving markets through public-private partnerships
Andrew McAllister
Who are the pivotal leaders in government that affect your work? How can you seek rules that are wiser for the planet? Who else in your industry would take an interest in collaborating?
Sustainability across scales
Julie Newman
Director, Office of Sustainability
At what scale are you working to affect change? What is your unique role or niche in protecting the planet?
Conclusion: Next steps in mobilizing and aligning resources
Which leaders at this event are most likely to help you scale or accelerate your work?
How will you reach the hearts and minds of people who are currently too distracted or insulated to help?
Of the many levers you can push, which ones are likely to have the greatest impact?