Glenn Hallam, Ph.D.

Dr. Hallam began his career as a Research Scientist with Personnel Decisions Research Institutes and then the Center for Creative Leadership and went on to establish two companies: Creative Metrics and Green Dock Ventures.

An avid cyclist who has crossed America by bicycle, he is author or co-author of several tools and books on leadership and teams:

  • Conflict Lens (translated into 14 languages by McDonald's)

  • Campbell-Hallam Team Development Survey (from General Dynamics)

  • Campbell-Hallam Team Leader Profile (from NCS Assessments)

  • Adventures of Team Fantastic (from the Center for Creative Leadership)

  • WFH Mapping (from Green Dock Ventures)

  • VLeader: Team feedback for the virtual leader (from Green Dock Ventures)

Hallam obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and undergraduate degree from Stanford University.