Learn to drive change in this virtual competition
“The first Green Bowl was spectacular. The presentations by the students were well researched and full of creative solutions. It was fun.”
“Going through the entire process was unique and different from anything we had done before. We learned a lot.”
“Green Bowl allowed me to gain a much more comprehensive understanding of campus operations while building professional skills”
“I have already used our presentation to communicate the need for an Office of Sustainability to the Faculty Senate. I’m grateful to have been involved in the competition this year, and to have won second place!”
“I was inspired to see the remarkable talent and passion of today’s undergraduate students from top universities across the country”
“I see a future when our young, talented, passionate people have true influence with leaders who have the power to protect the planet”
“We need to give environmental leaders the same support and guidance as we devote to C-suite leaders or elite athletes”
Learn About Our 2024-25 Season
Contest Starts Spring 2024
compete for the Planet
Three Phases of Competition with Leadership Coaching
Spring-Summer 2024 — Group Project | Map Sustainability
(First prize: $500; Deadline: June 15, 2024)
Choose a focus (city, university or company) and collect observations about sustainability, using an application for mapping sustainability observations. Ask your peers to share their observations (and find younger people who can carry on your work after you graduate). Win by collecting diverse and thoughtful observations from a community.
LEADERSHIP SKILLS: Mobilize supporters; recruit a team; develop systemic awareness; build credibility; create a culture of sustainability
Fall 2024 — Choose and Pitch a Project
(First prize: $1,000; Deadline: October 15, 2024)
Refine your organizational focus and choose a sustainability initiative — a needed change. Develop a pitch for the project, following a prescribed presentation outline. Begin and end with a compelling vision for the future. Communicate a clear plan, including vendors and a financial analysis. Present a 12-minute pitch to a panel of judges. Win by delivering a presentation that would engage and motivate a target audience of leaders in a position to make needed investment (people who can approve and fund the work, such as your university president).
LEADERSHIP SKILLS: develop a shared vision; focus energy; communicate a vision that is exciting and personally relevant; build and convey a realistic plan for accomplishing this vision; demonstrate financial acumen and political savvy; communicate concisely; show authentic passion
Winter 2025 — Show Progress
(First prize: $1,500; Deadline: February 5, 2025)
Present to a panel of judges on your accomplishments. Show that you have used your vision and compelling pitch to influence leaders; convey how your team mobilized and aligned resources to create a positive future for your community or the planet. Win by showing that you successfully created change that will make a difference for the planet.
LEADERSHIP SKILLS: lead with energy, passion, resilience, persistence and courage; get it done
2023-24 Winners
Stanford University