Assessor Name
University / Presenter
Did they cover a wide range of sustainability topics?
1 - Narrow focus
2 - Two or three sustainability areas addressed
3 - Wide range of sustainability topics explored
Was their commentary thoughtful?
1 - Analysis was shallow
2 - Good analysis though not particularly insightful
3 - Analysis was incisive and deep
Was their photography high quality and creative?
1 - Very few visuals
2 - Some visuals of decent quality
3 - Plentiful visuals that helped tell the story
Were they knowledgeable about past successes and future plans?
1 - Very little insight about past successes or future plans
2 - Some acknowledgement of past successes or plans, but it lacked depth
3 - Rich, incisive analysis of past successes and future plans
Did they articulate clear and defensible priorities?
1 - They didn't explain or present their rationale for their priorities
2 - Priorities were clear and somewhat supported
3 - Clear and compelling presentation of their priorities and rationale for choosing this focus
Did they show insight about challenges, process and leadership?
1 - They didn't talk about challenges or decision makers
2 - Fairly shallow analysis of challenges or decisions makers
3 - Incisive and actionable presentation of challenges and decision makers
Did they engage other students from their campus?
1 - This appeared to be a solo effort
2 - They seemed to have at least two people involved
3 - They engaged a broad group in collecting observations about sustainability
Overall rating
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First time rating this presentation
Resubmission of ratings
What did you like or appreciate about this presentation?
What suggestions do you have for improvement?