How can we influence the hearts, minds and actions of Corporate America? How do we go beyond mere branding and “feel good” campaigns to make real and measurable progress for the environment?
We want to know what’s working for you. We’re conducting interviews with prominent executives to explore how they are addressing environmental issues in their organization, asking questions such as these:
What environmental issues do people care about in your organization? Where is there a willingness to make sacrifices, work hard or spend money? What initiatives have been officially adopted (for example, supply chain adjustments, sustainable branding and work from home programs).
Who owns these initiatives? Who is driving them? Who should be involved?
How are you engaging the hearts and minds of your employees to drive participation or environmental change?
How are you measuring your impact? Do you have an overall green scoring system?
What is your advice for other leaders who want to make a difference for the environment?
If your organization’s experience is noteworthy or instructive, we’d like to hear from you.